
Initial Rendering Cache

How Initial Rendering Cache Works

The initialization of a mini-program page is divided into two parts:

  1. Logic layer initialization: Load essential mini-program code, initialize the page this object (which includes all this objects related to custom components), and then send relevant data to the view layer.
  2. View layer initialization: Load essential mini-program code, then wait for the logic layer to be initialized and receive the data sent by the logic layer, and finally render the page.

During the startup of the page, especially during the cold startup of the mini-program and when entering the first page, the logic layer initialization time is relatively long. During the page initialization process, users will see the standard loading screen of the mini-program (during the cold start) or may experience slight flashes of white screen (during the page jump process).

When the initial rendering cache is enabled, the view layer does not need to wait for the logic layer to be initialized, it can directly display the rendering result of the initial page data to the users in advance, which greatly advances the time when the page is visible to the users. Its working principle is as follows:

  1. After a mini-program page is opened for the first time, the rendering result of the initial data of the page is recorded and written to a persistent cache area (the cache can be retained for a long time, but it may be cleared due to mini-program updates, basic library updates, storage space recycling, and other reasons).
  2. When this page is opened for the second time, check whether there is still the rendering result of the last initial data of this page in the cache. If there is, it will directly display the rendering result.
  3. If the rendering result in the cache is displayed, this page cannot temporarily respond to user events, and can only respond to user events after the logic layer is initialized.

Using the initial rendering cache, you can:

  • Quickly display parts of the page that will never change, such as the navigation bar.
  • Display a skeleton page in advance to enhance the user experience.
  • Display custom loading tips.
  • Display advertisements in advance, and so on.

Static Initial Rendering Cache

The easiest way to enable initial rendering cache is to add the configuration item "initialRenderingCache": "static" in the page's json file:

"initialRenderingCache": "static"

After adding this configuration item, preview the mini-program homepage on your phone, then kill the mini-program and re-enter it, the homepage will be rendered by the initial rendering cache.

Note: In this case, the initial rendering cache records the result of applying data to BXML on the page and does not include the result of any setData (For tarojs, it will records the result of first setData).

For example, if you want to display the words "loading" on the page, these words are controlled by the loading data field:

<view bn:if="{{loading}}">Loading</view>

In this case, loading should be specified in data as true:

// Correct way
data: {
loading: true

And not through setData to set loading as true:

// Incorrect way! Don't do this!
data: {},
onLoad: function() {
loading: true

Adding Dynamic Content to the Initial Rendering Cache

In some cases, the rendering result of just the page data might be somewhat limited. Sometimes, you may want to display additional variable content, such as some advertisement.

In such cases, you can use the "dynamic" initial rendering cache. Firstly, you need to configure "initialRenderingCache": "dynamic":

"initialRenderingCache": "dynamic"

At this point, the initial rendering cache will not be automatically enabled. You still need to call this.setInitialRenderingCache(dynamicData) in the page to enable it. Here, dynamicData is a set of data, which participates in rendering the page's WXML along with data.

data: {
loading: true
onReady: function() {
loadingHint: 'Loading'
}, function() {
<view wx:if="{{loading}}">{{loadingHint}}</view>

In principle, under the approach of dynamically generating initial rendering cache, the page is re-rendered in the background using dynamic data, which can be relatively demanding in terms of resources. Therefore, it's best to avoid frequently calling this.setInitialRenderingCache. If you call it multiple times within a single page, only the last call will take effect.

Please note:

  • You should not call this.setInitialRenderingCache earlier than the onReady lifecycle of Page or the ready lifecycle of Component as it may negatively impact performance.
  • If you want to disable the initial rendering cache, you can call this.clearInitialRenderingCache().