
How to Become a Binance Marketplace Merchant?

Stage 1 Assessment: Business Case Approval

Reach out to the Binance Marketplace team ([email protected]) to initiate the business assessment of your mini program. Please note that this assessment is a mandatory step prior to development.

Upon successful assessment, you will need to sign a Binance Mini Program Agreement (contact Binance Marketplace team) and register for a Binance Mini Program here (ensure you are logged into your Binance corporate account).

Stage 2 Assessment: Store Approval (SKUs, UI/UX, etc.)

You may kickstart development once all steps above are completed and approved. If you start development before the business review, please be aware that this will be at your own risk and resource allocation. The testing and launch of your mini app are subject to Binance’s review and approval. Please note that Binance reserves the right to decline access to the Binance Marketplace services.

Stage 3: Launch & Post-Launch Marketing