

The app.json file, located in the root directory of Mini Program, is utilized to impose global configurations on Mini Programs. The contents of this file should be a JSON object encompassing the following properties:

Configuration Items

PropertyTypeDefault ValueRequiredDescription
entryPagePathstring-index page name
pagesstring[]-Page Path List
windowObject--Global default window behavior
tabBarObject--Behavior of the tab bar at the bottom of the page.
subPackagesObject[]--subPackage structure configuration.
darkmodeboolean--whether app is in darkmode
theme{light?:Object,dark?:Object}--theme configuration, basically replaced by themeLocation
themeLocationstring--Indicate the location of theme.json,it's required when darkmode is true


PropertyTypeDefault ValueRequiredDescription
navigationBarBackgroundColorHexColor#000000-The navigation bar background color
navigationBarButtonColorHexColor#707A8A-The button color in the navigation.
navigationBarTitleTextstring-Title text of the navigation bar
navigationBarTextStylestringwhite-The title color of the navigation bar, only supports black or white
navigationStylestringdefault-The navigation bar style. Only the following values are supported. default: the default style. custom: custom navigation bar, only retains the Mini Program control button in the upper-right corner, click here for details.
backgroundTextStylestringdark-The pull-down loading style, only dark and light are supported.
backgroundColorHexColor#ffffff-The background color of the window.


Should the Mini Program operate as a multi-tab application (employing a tab bar at the lower or upper part of the application interface for toggling between tabs), the tabBar configuration setting allows you to define the interaction with the tab bar, as well as control the specific pages that appear when the user alternates between the given tabs.

PropertyTypeDefault ValueRequiredDescription
colorHexColorThe default color of the tab bar text, only supports hex color codes.
selectedColorHexColorThe color of the tab bar text when being selected, only supports hex color codes.
backgroundColorHexColorThe color of the tab bar background, only supports hex color codes.
borderStylestringblackThe border color of the tab bar, only supports black and white.
listarrayThe tab list (see the list property description), supports 2 to 5 tabs.
positionstringbottomThe tabBar position, only supports bottom and top.
custombooleanfalseA custom tabBar, click here for details.

The list property accepts an array, which can only configure 2 to 5 tabs. The tabs are listed in the order of the array. Each item is an object with the following properties:

PropertyTypeDefault ValueRequiredDescription
pagePathstringThe page path, which must be defined first in pages.
textstringThe text of tab buttons.
iconPathstringThe image path. The size of the icon is limited to 40 KB, suggested dimensions: 81px by 81px, online images are not supported. When position is set to top, the icon is not displayed.
selectedIconPathstringThe image path for the selected icon. The size of the icon is limited to 40 KB, suggested dimensions: 81px by 81px, online images are not supported. When position is set to top, the icon is not displayed.


In certain scenarios, developers might need to segment a Mini Program into distinct subunits, bundling these subsidiary packages into separate subpackages during construction, hence enabling users to load them on an as-needed basis.

During the development of a subpackage project, one or more subpackages may appear. Every subpackaged Mini Program should encompass a main package embodying the default start page/TabBar page, along with common resources and necessary JS scripts used by all subpackages. The subdivisions of sub-packages are subject to the developer's configuration.

Upon initiating the Mini Program, the user's device downloads the main package by default, launching the pages housed within the main package. When a user navigates to a page within a subpackage, the related subpackage is downloaded and displayed upon successful completion of the download.

Supported from SDK ^3.2.0, IDE ^2.9.0 and Native ^2.40.0

PropertyTypeDefault ValueRequiredDescription
rootstringroot of subPackage
namestringalias name
pagesstring[]page list related to root
independentbooleanIf it is an independent subPackage


This indicates the extra library that's needed. Right now, you can use this for:

  • react

When you set useExtendedLib, it's like you're adding the newest version of that library's npm Package. The good part is, this doesn't make your Mini Program package bigger. The RC (Release Candidate) tool version lets you add references in sub-packages. You can use it like this:

Use true to get the latestVersion.

"useExtendedLib": {
"react": true

You can also specify the exact version you want to use.

"useExtendedLib": {
"react": "17.0.2"


Data prefetching lets the Mini Program start a request early when it's first turned on, and it saves the response from the request. Then, when you actually make the request, you can use the saved data to cut down on the time for network requests. Here's how it works:


Configure prefetch rules

Data prefetching rules need to be configured in app.json, examples are as follows:

"prefetchRules": {
// launch path that need to be configured with prefetch requests
"pages/index/index": {
// request url
"https://developer.binance.com/${pageid}": {
// request method
"method": "POST",
// request header
"header": {
"token": "${token}"
// request body
"data": {
"pageSize": "${pageSize}",
"pageNum": 1
// request response type
"responseType": "text",
"hitPrefetchExtraRules": {
"requiredQueryKeys": ["testid"],
"requiredHeaderKeys": ["token"]
// match all launch paths
"*": {
// local file path, language is the variable
"file://nezha-i18n-data_${language}.json": {
// whether to wait for the file download to complete when starting the mini program
"mandatory": true

Configure variables

To make requests dynamic, we use configuration variables. These have the format ${variable}. To assign the variable, we replace the text ${variable} in the prefetchRules configuration string with the value of the variable.

Variable data source

Configuration variables can come from three places, listed by priority:

  1. The query parameters in the Mini Program's page route
  2. Data that developers have saved in storage
  3. Data from the getSystemInfo interface, such as language

When the client looks for a variable, it starts with the highest priority source. If it finds the variable there, it stops looking. If not, it checks the next source. If it can't find the variable in any of the sources, it won't make the request.

Request url

The url is the basic part of a request. With a complete url, we can start a request. Right now, we can use a variable in the path and query of a url, but not in the host.

For example, let's say the prefetch configuration is set up a certain way. If the page route is pages/index/index?pageid=1000, and the developer stored the pageSize variable with a value of 10, then the final prefetch request will be https://developer.binance.com/1000?pagesize=10&pagenum=1

"prefetchRules": {
"pages/index/index": {
"https://developer.binance.com/${pageid}?pagesize=${pageSize}&pagenum=1": {}

Request parameters

The value of the request address serves as the request parameters. These include method, header, data, and responseType, which correspond to the bn.request API's parameters. These parameters also support configuration variables. Here is a table outlining the default values rules for method, header, data, and responseType:

PropertyTypeDefault ValueRequiredDescription
headerobject{'content-type': 'application/json'}Request header
methodstringGETRequest method, support GET, POST
datastring or objectnullRequest data, needs to be consistent to hit the cache
responseTypestringtextResponse data type, optional value: text

For example, suppose the request parameters are configured as follows:

"https://developer.binance.com/${pageid}": {
"method": "POST",
"header": {
"token": "${token}"
"data": {
"pageSize": "${pageSize}",
"pageNum": 1

If the page route is pages/index/index?pageid=1000, the developer has stored the pageSize variable with a value of 10, and also stored the token variable with a value of test_token, then the parameters of the final prefetch request would look like this:

"https://developer.binance.com/1000": {
"method": "POST",
"header": {
"token": "test_token"
"data": {
"pageSize": "10",
"pageNum": 1

Use prefetch cache

The bn.request function includes an extra parameter, usePrefetchCache, and the return data includes the attribute isPrefetch to indicate whether the data was prefetched. Here's an example:

"prefetchRules": {
"pages/index/index": {
"https://developer1.binance.com/${sid}?testid=${testid}&testdata=${sData}": {
"method": "POST",
"header": {
"testCookie": "${sCookie}",
"token": "xxxs1823730"
"data": {
"mData": "${mData}"
"responseType": ""
const testCookie = bn.getStorageSync('sData')
const sCookie = bn.getStorageSync('sCookie')
const mData = bn.getStorageSync('mData')

const token = 'xxxs1823730'
const { sid, testid } = option.query
const url = `https://developer1.binance.com/${sid}?testid=${testid}&testdata=${sData}`
const header = { testCookie, token }
const data = { mData }

method: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
responseType: 'text',
usePrefetchCache: true,
success: res => {
console.log('Whether the returned data is from prefetching:', res.isPrefetch)
console.log('Response data:', res.data)

Configure Matching rules

Like the example at the beginning. You can configure "hitPrefetchExtraRules" property to control the behavior of matching rules.

This property includes two keys:

"prefetchRules": {
"pages/index/index": {
"https://developer.binance.com/?a=${a}&b=bbb": {
"header": {"c": "${c}", "d": "ddd"},
"hitPrefetchExtraRules": {
"requiredQueryKeys": ["a", "b"],
"requiredHeaderKeys": ["c"]


When native get a prefetchRule, need to replace the variable first and get the accurate url & parameters, and parse the accurate url to query keys and values (eg. query key is a, query value might be aaa in above example). If requiredQueryKeys is not declared or is a empty array, it will be considered as using exact match.

requiredQueryKeysRule URL / Request URLhit
[]https://developer.binance.com/?a=aaa&b=bbb / https://developer.binance.com/?b=bbb&a=aaayes
[] a is extrahttps://developer.binance.com/?b=bbb / https://developer.binance.com/?b=bbb&a=aaano
[] a is missinghttps://developer.binance.com/?b=bbb&a=aaa / https://developer.binance.com/?b=bbbno
["b"] a is extrahttps://developer.binance.com/?b=bbb / https://developer.binance.com/?b=bbb&a=aaayes
["b"] a is differenthttps://developer.binance.com/?b=bbb&a=ccc / https://developer.binance.com/?b=bbb&a=aaayes
["b"] a is missinghttps://developer.binance.com/?b=bbb&a=aaa / https://developer.binance.com/?b=bbbyes
["b"] b is missinghttps://developer.binance.com/?b=bbb&a=aaa / https://developer.binance.com/?a=aaano
["b"] b is differenthttps://developer.binance.com/?b=bbb&a=aaa / https://developer.binance.com/?b=ccc&a=aaano
["a", "b"]https://developer.binance.com/?b=bbb&a=aaa / https://developer.binance.com/?b=aaa&a=aaano
["c", "b"] c is not in rule url, exact matchhttps://developer.binance.com/?b=bbb&a=aaa / https://developer.binance.com/?a=ccc&b=bbbno
[b] b is not in rule url, exact matchhttps://developer.binance.com/?a=aaa / https://developer.binance.com/?b=bbbno

The behavior of requiredHeaderKeys is similar to requiredQueryKeys, but it effects header field, not query of url

File Prefetch

Besides prefetching network requests, we also support prefetching files. The file prefetch configuration is similar to the network request configuration, but the value of the request address is the local file path. The file path also supports configuration variables.

For example, if the file prefetch rules are set up as follows:

"prefetchRules": {
"pages/index/index": {
"file://nezha-i18n-data_${language}.json": {
"mandatory": true

If the page route is pages/index/index, and the client language is zh_CN, the variable 'language' will be replaced with 'zh_CN', which is retrieved from the getSystemInfo API. Therefore, the final prefetch request will be file://nezha-i18n-data_zh_CN.json.

Upon launching the mini-program, the client will immediately begin downloading the file://nezha-i18n-data_zh_CN.json file using parallel download. If the value of mandatory is set as true, the mini-program will only launch once the file has successfully downloaded. If it's not set as true, the mini-program will launch immediately without waiting for the file to be downloaded (non-blocking).

Developers can then use the bn.getFileSystemManager API to read the contents of the file. Here's an example:

const fs = bn.getFileSystemManager()
const filePath = 'file://nezha-i18n-data_zh_CN.json'
const res = fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'utf8')
console.log('File content:', res)

Page Configuration

For each Mini Program page, you may use the .json file that shares the same name as the Mini Program to configure the window behaviors of that page. The configuration items in the current page will overwrite the corresponding window configuration items in the app.json file. The file content of this json file should be a JSON object. Here's an example:

"navigationBarBackgroundColor": "#ffffff",
"navigationBarTextStyle": "black",
"navigationBarTitleText": "Binance API feature demo",
"backgroundColor": "#eeeeee",
"backgroundTextStyle": "light",
"initialRenderingCache": "static",
"staticTemplate": {
"enable": true,
"removeSkeleton": true,
"data": { "list": [] }
PropertyTypeDefault ValueRequiredDescription
initialRenderingCache"static"|"dynamic"-Enable rendering cache.
staticTemplate{enable:boolean,removeSkeleton?:boolean,data?:Object}-Page template can render as static template based on data in configuration.


We provide developers the ability to incorporate Dark Mode in their applets.

Enable DarkMode

To enable Dark Mode, set { "darkmode" : true } in the app.json file. Once enabled, all basic components will display different default styles based on the system theme. The navigation bar and tab bar will automatically switch according to the following configuration.

When { "darkmode": true } is set in app.json, certain applet configuration items can be set via variables, enabling definition of colors or icons under different themes in the variable configuration file as follows:

  1. Configure themeLocation in app.json, specifying the path to the variable configuration file theme.json. For instance, to add theme.json in the root directory, configure {"themeLocation": "/path/to/theme.json"}
  2. Define related variables in theme.json.
  3. In app.json, reference variables that start with @.

Properties that support configuration through variables include:

  1. The window property of the global configuration and the property under the page configuration

    • navigationBarBackgroundColor
    • navigationBarTextStyle
    • backgroundColor
    • backgroundTextStyle
    • backgroundColorTop
    • backgroundColorBottom
  2. Global configuration properties of window.tabBar

    • color
    • selectedColor
    • backgroundColor
    • borderStyle
    • list
      • iconPath
      • selectedIconPath

Variable configuration file theme.json

The theme.json file is used for variable definitions related to the color theme. Prioritize setting the path to theme.json in themeLocation, as the variable configuration cannot be read otherwise.

The configuration file must contain the following properties:

lightobjectYesVariables definition in light mode
darkobjectYesVariables definition in dark mode

Both light and dark modes can define variable names and values in the key:value format, as shown below:

"light": {
"navBgColor": "#f6f6f6",
"navTxtStyle": "black"
"dark": {
"navBgColor": "#191919",
"navTxtStyle": "white"

After the definition is completed, it can be referenced at the beginning of @ in the relevant properties of the global configuration or page configuration, for example:

// global configuration
"window": {
"navigationBarBackgroundColor": "@navBgColor",
"navigationBarTextStyle": "@navTxtStyle"
// page configuration
"navigationBarBackgroundColor": "@navBgColor",
"navigationBarTextStyle": "@navTxtStyle"

Configuration example

app.json (the example omits configuration items other than those related to the theme)

"window": {
"navigationBarBackgroundColor": "@navBgColor",
"navigationBarTextStyle": "@navTxtStyle",
"backgroundColor": "@bgColor",
"backgroundTextStyle": "@bgTxtStyle",
"backgroundColorTop": "@bgColorTop",
"backgroundColorBottom": "@bgColorBottom"
"tabBar": {
"color": "@tabFontColor",
"selectedColor": "@tabSelectedColor",
"backgroundColor": "@tabBgColor",
"borderStyle": "@tabBorderStyle",
"list": [{
"iconPath": "@iconPath1",
"selectedIconPath": "@selectedIconPath1"
}, {
"iconPath": "@iconPath2",
"selectedIconPath": "@selectedIconPath2"


"light": {
"navBgColor": "#f6f6f6",
"navTxtStyle": "black",
"bgColor": "#ffffff",
"bgTxtStyle": "light",
"bgColorTop": "#eeeeee",
"bgColorBottom": "#efefef",
"tabFontColor": "#000000",
"tabSelectedColor": "#3cc51f",
"tabBgColor": "#ffffff",
"tabBorderStyle": "black",
"iconPath1": "image/icon1_light.png",
"selectedIconPath1": "image/selected_icon1_light.png",
"iconPath2": "image/icon2_light.png",
"selectedIconPath2": "image/selected_icon2_light.png",
"dark": {
"navBgColor": "#191919",
"navTxtStyle": "white",
"bgColor": "#1f1f1f",
"bgTxtStyle": "dark",
"bgColorTop": "#191919",
"bgColorBottom": "#1f1f1f",
"tabFontColor": "#ffffff",
"tabSelectedColor": "#51a937",
"tabBgColor": "#191919",
"tabBorderStyle": "white",
"iconPath1": "image/icon1_dark.png",
"selectedIconPath1": "image/selected_icon1_dark.png",
"iconPath2": "image/icon2_dark.png",
"selectedIconPath2": "image/selected_icon2_dark.png",

Get the current system theme

If "darkmode": true is declared in app.json, the output of bn.getSystemInfo or bn.getSystemInfoSync will include a theme attribute, the value of which can be either 'light' or 'dark'.

If app.json does not include the "darkmode": true declaration, the theme attribute is inaccessible (meaning, 'theme' would be undefined).

Listening for Theme Switching Events

There are two ways to monitor for theme switching:

  1. In App(), insert the onThemeChange callback function. This callback will get triggered when the theme switches.
  2. Utilize bn.onThemeChange to monitor for theme changes. You can cancel the monitoring using bn.offThemeChange.

BXSS Adaptation

In BXSS, we support theme adaptation through the media query prefers-color-scheme. This approach is consistent with the adaptation method used in Web. See the example below:

/* normal css style begin */
.case-background {
background: white;
.case-text {
color: black;
/* normal css style end */

@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
/* style under DarkMode start */
.case-background {
background: #1b1b1b;
.case-text {
color: #ffffff;
/* style under DarkMode end */