
Mini Program Platform Operation Rules

1. Principles and Explanations

The Binance mini program platform provides developers with rich technical capabilities and traffic scenarios, and is committed to providing users with the most valuable information and services. We hope to guide developers to discover business opportunities that meet their needs while ensuring the relevance of Binance mini program to content and providing core value to users, and to generate sustainable corporate revenue while continuing to provide value to users.

Mini Program developers should carefully read the Mini Programs Design Rules, and Mini Programs Development Guide before developing a Mini Program.

2. Operation Rules

2.1 Rules for Registration and Submission

2.1.1 The developer should provide true and valid contact information and entity certification information. It is necessary to ensure that the entity actually providing services through the mini program must be consistent with the entity information, and the entity shall also be consistent with the payment entity.

2.1.2 The mini program submitted by the developer shall be associated with websites, applications, products or services that have complete legal rights or complete authorization.

2.1.3 To ensure the security and stability of the platform that users can access safely, the platform may require that the developer upload appropriate documents or make certain additions or adjustments to the Mini Program when submitting or operating the Mini Program. Be sure to provide such assistance based on our requirements or the submission may be rejected.

2.1.4 The services provided by the Mini Program shall match the category and tags the developer chooses as well as the services that the Mini Program provides. Additionally, they shall not fall outside the scope of the Mini Program platform's category library. Note that once the developer opts for a game as the category of your Mini Program, it will no longer be able to change it.

2.1.5 Bulk registration and repeated submission of numerous similar Mini Programs are prohibited.

2.2 Rules for Basic Information

The name, logo, and brief description of a Mini Program constitutes its account's basic information, which shall accurately describe its features and content, help users easily understand it, and be consistent with users' expectations of its features and services.

2.2.1 The basic information of Mini Program accounts shall not contain politically sensitive issues, lewd content, gory violence, terror-related, offensive, disgusting, vulgar, inflammatory, defamatory content or in violation of local laws and regulations.

2.2.2 Basic information of Mini Program accounts: The name, logo and brief description of a Mini Program shall be interrelated to avoid user confusion over the range of features or services offered by this Mini Program.

2.2.3 The basic information of Mini Program accounts shall not contain commercial advertising dictions, names of popular Official Accounts or Mini Programs, popular app names, internet slang, piling up popular search terms, words that are not recognizable, or content that is not related to the function or content to counter the search and ranking system.

2.2.4 The basic information of Mini Program accounts shall not make unauthorized use of trademarks or brand logos to which third parties enjoy the legal rights to, or other content, information or special superscripts/subscripts similar to these trademarks or brand logos. Developers shall not infringe upon third parties' intellectual property rights or other legal rights.

2.2.5 The basic information of the Mini Program accounts shall not have attraction click and distribution related content, and shall not contain official website, invitation code, URL, telephone, address, social account and other related contact information of attraction behavior, interfering with the use of users.

2.2.6 The basic information of the Mini Program accounts: The name, logo, description and other specific audit standards refer to the Mini Program Naming Audit Rules, Mini Program Icon Audit Rules, Mini Program Description Audit Rules.

2.3 Rules for Feature Settings

2.3.1 The services and content provided by a Mini Program shall conform to its brief description and no hidden services or content are allowed.

2.3.2 The core features of Mini Programs must be showcased on their homepages.

2.3.3 The Mini Programs provide users with basic feature guidelines, which shall incorporate descriptions of features or relevant screenshots thereof.

2.3.4 Developers shall not incorporate features identical or similar to those offered by the Binance app.

2.3.5 The access to any Mini Program features shall not be dependent on any other Mini Programs or apps. That is, the access to the features shall not be conditional upon the use of other Mini Programs or apps. Additionally, without the prior consent of or authorization from the platform, a Mini Program interface shall not display or recommend other Mini Programs or Official Accounts.

2.3.6 According to the local laws and regulations, and as required by mobile operating systems, app stores or the market, Mini Programs shall remind users when they access content or services that may not be appropriate for minors or remove the content or services in order to protect minors' physical and mental health as well as to safeguard their legal rights.

2.4 Rules for Entities

2.4.1 The development and operation of Mini Programs shall comply with local laws, regulations, and standards. The platform will reject any submission which is reasonably believed to be illegal or non-compliant.

2.4.2 The documents submitted by the developer must be genuine, legal, and valid. The platform will review the release of the Mini Program within the bounds of its authority and the applicable law.

2.4.3 Any Mini Program that can be reasonably believed to involve or assist in unlawful activities will be rejected.

3. Contents Rules

3.1 Rules for Page Contents

3.1.1 There can be no defamatory, discriminatory or malicious content, including references or comments about religion, race, sexual orientation, gender, nationality, ethnic origin or other target groups.

3.1.2 There can be no realistic depictions of humans or animals being killed, maimed, tortured, abused, or encouraging violence. In the game, "enemies" cannot be singled out against a specific race, culture, real government or corporation, or any other real entity.

3.1.3 There can be no descriptions that encourage the illegal use or irresponsible use of weapons and dangerous goods, or that promote the purchase of arms or ammunition.

3.1.4 There must not be material promoting pornographic or erotic content (i.e. material intended to arouse eroticism, explicit descriptions or displays of sexual organs or acts, and not related to aesthetics), or material suspected of promoting the dissemination of information on obscene or erotic content, including revealing images, provocative content, etc., or contents that facilitate prostitution.

3.1.5 Cannot contain inflammatory religious commentary or make false or misleading references to religious texts

3.1.6 The Mini Program must not have suspected of fraudulent user behavior or false advertising content, including false or impersonation type content

3.1.7 The Mini Program must provide meaningful contents

3.2 Rules for User-Generated Content

3.2.1 The service provider of Mini Programs shall not publish content on behalf of the user without the user's permission

3.2.2 The service provider of Mini Programs should set up mechanisms to filter pornographic, violent, offensive, discriminatory and other inappropriate information content, to ensure that user-generated content in line with the provisions of the information content

3.2.3 When there is a complaint about inappropriate content in the Mini Program, the service provider needs to provide a mechanism for timely response

3.2.4 The service provider of Mini Programs is responsible for the safety of the content, to ensure that the external display of content compliance, reliable, for other links that may generate content should also be strictly gate-keeping, to prevent the appearance of the above-mentioned violations.

3.3 Disallowed Mini Program Types

Please refer to Disallowed Mini Program Types

3.4 Rules for Embedding Web Pages in Mini Programs

3.4.1 The Mini Program can only open the web page through the embedded web-view, and is not allowed to embed the web page directly on the homepage of the Mini Program as its primary content.

3.4.2 The services provided on the web pages embedded in the Mini Program shall match the category and tags you choose as well as the services that the Mini Program provides.

3.4.3 Developers shall not bypass or evade the Mini Program platform rules by use of embedded web pages in Mini Programs.

3.4.4 Developers should not use embedded web-views to provide games to users.

3.4.5 Once a developer is found in violation of this rule, the platform is entitled to restrict the features or disable the account of their Mini Program, and reserves the right to refuse to provide any services to the Mini Program entity.

4. Rules for Technology Implementation

4.1 Use of APIs

4.1.1 Non-public API programs shall not be used.

4.1.2 The platform reserves the right to reclaim the APIs if the API program is used under internal testing.

4.1.3 The developer may not use APIs for third-party apps in a manner that violates the inter-entity rule.

4.1.4 Mini Program Framework's codes, APIs, or tools shall not be sold, transferred, or licensed to others without Binance’s authorization.

4.1.5 Neither SDK nor its related components shall be modified, translated or reverse engineered, nor shall they be used to make derivative products.

4.2 OAuth Login

4.2.1 Users must log in to the Mini Program via Binance OAuth Login when an account system is used within the Mini Program.

4.2.2 If the user chooses to reject authorization, the developer may remind them again when the user shows the intention to grant the authorization.

4.2.3 A functional "Exit" option must be provided at a noticeable position.

4.2.4 After the user has rejected authorization, the developer is obligated to remove and stop using the user's email, phone number and other data.

4.3 Binance Pay

4.3.1 If a Mini Program processes payments, clear instructions shall be provided in the introduction of the Mini Program.

4.3.2 The user should receive a clear prompt on the screen before executing the payment action.

4.3.3 Payment via the Mini Program platform shall be made in compliance with applicable local laws and regulations.

4.4 Sharing Service

Developers shall not abuse the sharing feature in the services offered by their Mini Programs. Examples are forcing users to share, and inducing users to share with incentives, either express or implied.

4.5 Message Service ( unreleased )

The Mini Program should not induce users in bad faith to trigger the operation that distributes templates to users, should not send maliciously harass users or distribute templates that may harass users, or distributes promotion templates for malicious marketing purposes.

5. Code of Conduct

5.1 Bypassing, circumventing or countering platform auditing and regulation

The version of the Mini Program submitted for review and approval should be consistent with the version of the Mini Program actually published and operated online. Developers shall not bypass, circumvent or confront the audit and supervision rules of the Mini Program platform through technical or other means, including but not limited to: displaying content under different service categories for different user groups, or falsifying qualifications, or adopting false or imitation complaint portals or flashing and splash screens to intercept user complaints, and other malicious acts to bypass, circumvent or confront the audit and supervision of the platform.


  • Once found, the mini program will be taken down or be blocked depending on the degree of violation.
  • If there is malicious publication of such content, all Mini Programs under the same developer account will be restricted in their functions until the platform refuses to provide services to the account any more, depending on the degree of violation.

5.2 Collection of users' private information

5.2.1 The developer shall acquire the consent of the user before collecting their information, and shall truthfully notify the user of the purpose and scope of use.

5.2.2 The illegal collection or theft of user passwords or other personal data is not permitted.

5.2.3 Access to devices including, but not limited to, the user's geolocation, photo albums, camera, etc. is not permitted without the user's authorisation.

5.2.4 Data related to the user should be removed from the Mini Program upon the user's request.

5.2.5 The developer must immediately delete all user data collected via Mini Programs if he / she stops using Mini Program Platform.

5.2.6 The developers are not authorized to disclose users' information, including their name, mobile number, email address, wallet address to any other Mini Program users or to any other third parties.

5.2.7 The developers are not authorized to use users' information, including their name, mobile number, email address, or wallet address, for any purposes that either they or the platform have not authorized.

5.2.8 The developers are not authorized to reverse lookup, track, link, mine, or obtain any user's name, mobile number, email address,wallet address, or other information to engage in acts unrelated to Mini Programs.

5.2.9 The developers are not authorized to copy, store, use, or transfer any user data without the user's expressed consent and without the truthful disclosure of applicable information such as how such data is used and the scope of its use.

5.2.10 Any data received via Mini Program Platform should be kept up to date and used to improve Mini Program user experience.

5.2.11 The developer may not add any Mini Program data into search engines or web directories, or add a search feature into the Mini Program without approval or authorization from the Binance.

5.2.12 The developer may not use any data received by Mini Programs to make any decisions regarding eligibility, including without limitation whether to approve or reject an application or how much interest to be charged on a loan without approval or authorization from Binance

5.2.13 Any data you have received via Mini Programs must only be used in your Mini Program in the event that the entity operating the Mini Program is acquired or merged by a third party.

5.2.14 Please take care of the developer's personal account, password and secret.

5.2.15 After collecting users' data, the Mini Program shall take necessary, reasonable and effective security protection measures to prevent any form of theft, leakage or disclosure of users' data.

5.2.16 If any form of theft, leakage or disclosure of user data occurs after the Mini Program has collected the user's data, it should immediately take lawful and effective measures to prevent the expansion of the damage results and report to the relevant authorities in accordance with the law.


  • Once found, the Mini Program will be taken down.
  • If found again, the app will be taken down or be blocked depending on the degree of violation.
  • If there is malicious publication of such content, all Mini Programs under the same developer account will be restricted in their functions until the platform refuses to provide services to the account any more, depending on the degree of violation.

5.3 Malicious disruption of the platform

5.3.1 For personal or other reasons, maliciously posting undesirable information, insulting reviewers or attacking the platform in the context of the review, posting, email, community, etc.

5.3.2 The Mini Program has malicious non-revision and repeated submission of the same problematic content after being rejected for non-compliant content or non-conformity with the specification in audit sessions including but not limited to basic information, version iteration, traffic configuration, etc.


  • Once found, the auditing will be rejected. And the Mini Program will be taken down, or banned.
  • If there is malicious publication of such content, all Mini Programs under the same developer account will be restricted in their functions until the platform refuses to provide services to the account any more, depending on the degree of violation.

5.4 Trading disputes

Transaction disputes in the Mini Program should be dealt with promptly. Transaction dispute behaviour includes the inability to give the appropriate service or goods after payment by the user, the inability to apply for returns or other after-sales services, etc.


  • Once found, the Mini Program will be required to complete the rectification within a certain period of time.
  • If found again, the app will be taken down or be blocked depending on the degree of violation.
  • If there is malicious publication of such content, all Mini Programs under the same developer account will be restricted in their functions until the platform refuses to provide services to the account any more, depending on the degree of violation.

5.5 Reciprocal promotions

All the developers shall not recommend, promote, rank, incorporate an inter-program jump feature into, or add platform services to Mini Programs independently or together with any third parties by virtue of Binance’s services, nor help facilitate these actions.


  • Once found, the Mini Program will be taken down.
  • If found again, the app will be taken down or be blocked depending on the degree of violation.
  • If there is malicious publication of such content, all Mini Programs under the same developer account will be restricted in their functions until the platform refuses to provide services to the account any more, depending on the degree of violation.

5.6 Fraud

Fraud includes but is not limited to fake Red Packets, fake promotional campaigns, false advertising, as well as counterfeiting Binane’s or other entities' services.


  • Once found, the Mini Program will be banned.
  • If there is malicious publication of such content, all Mini Programs under the same developer account will be restricted in their functions until the platform refuses to provide services to the account any more, depending on the degree of violation.

5.7 Deceptive Practices

When using a Mini Program's information, such as name, icon, introduction, description, and features, that does not match its entity's information, you must avoid causing the following deception, misunderstanding, association, or influence to users. For example:

5.7.1 Deception related to Binance’s official features;

5.7.2 Deceiving users into believing that a Mini Program has been developed or is operated by certain government agencies, public institutions, and social organizations (regardless of whether such organizations exist or not).


  • Once found, the Mini Program will be banned.
  • If there is malicious publication of such content, all Mini Programs under the same developer account will be restricted in their functions until the platform refuses to provide services to the account any more, depending on the degree of violation.

5.8 Abuse of API capability

Mini Programs must use the various features, APIs, and capabilities provided by Binance in a lawful, compliant, proper, and good faith manner pursuant to the applicable Mini Program agreements and guidelines so as to protect the rights and interests of Binance users and other third parties. Developers may not help others or independently abuse, inappropriately use, or in bad faith use the above features, APIs, and capabilities, including without limitation, using an API, feature, or capacity to assist a third party in the violation of the applicable Mini Program agreements and guidelines.


  • Depending on the severity of the violation, the Mini Program's non-compliant template will be deleted, its API capability will be suspended, or its account will be banned.

5.9 No discretionary suspension or termination of operations

If the Mini Program developer has to suspend or terminate the operation of the Mini Program under special circumstances, the developer must handle the aftercare work such as transactions in transit and unresolved disputes/complaints, and must not damage the legitimate rights and interests of users; and at the same time, display the suspension or termination announcement prominently on the home page of its Mini Program and notify the Mini Program Platform in advance before suspending or terminating the operation. If the developer arbitrarily suspends or terminates the operation of the Mini Program, resulting in complaints from users or causing losses to users, the corresponding responsibility will not be reduced or exempted due to the suspension or termination of the operation of the Mini Program. The platform will pursue the responsibility of the developer according to the severity of the circumstances.

5.10 Malicious traffic/transaction scraping

Developers should make reasonable use of self-operating tools for Mini Programs based on their own service advantages, and guide users to continuously and repeatedly use their services or guide them to make objective evaluations through proper means, and should not maliciously brush transaction volume or traffic through improper methods.

5.11 Other violations of the platform operation rules

The content of the Mini Program must also not contain information that violates the rules of the platform as follows.

5.11.1 Content that is primarily for marketing or advertising purposes (e.g. contains blank advertising space, investment advertisements, etc.), or appears directly as floating advertisements, or appears as false and exaggerated advertising information.

5.11.2 Rumour-based content that is misleading to users, seriously disrupts the user experience and harms the interests of users.

5.11.3 Content that violates any form of service agreement, platform agreement or function agreement signed with Binance.

5.11.4 Any content that violates the management, operation specifications and rules set by Binance for the relevant software, services and functions.

5.11.5 Any other content that involves violation of local laws or violation of relevant rules of the platform.

6. Rules for Availability and Completeness

6.1 The Mini Program submitted shall be a finished product, which can be opened and used, and shall not be a test version.

6.2 The Mini Program should not cause the Binance app to crash or the program itself to crash.

6.3 There should be no major bugs (such as inability to add, open, return to the previous pages and exit, and serious stutter) in the Mini Program.

6.4 Developers shall ensure the Mini Programs they release are stable and secure, and run smoothly. If the service provided to users is interrupted due to the Mini Program itself and cannot be restored within the platform’s required reasonable period of time, the platform is entitled to take action to maintain a good user experience, including, but not limited to, temporarily suspending the account.

6.5 If there are related accounts or paid content in the Mini Program, a test account, including account ID and password, shall be provided to Binance to ensure that the internal reviewer can experience all features.

7. Rules for Mini Program's UI

7.1 The UI should comply with Mini Program Design Specifications.

7.2 The UI should be in line with the Binance appearance and features, and should not provide a user experience that changes the appearance and features of Binance.

7.3 The ability to close the flyouts and pop-up windows in the Mini Program should be ensured.

7.4 The Mini Program UI shall not contain any elements that imitate system notifications or warnings to induce tapping.

8. Roles for User Service

8.1 The developer should establish convenient and effective user service and complaint channels for users, and provide effective dispute handling methods and contact information. User feedback flowing to the developer's platform should be handled in a timely manner, and complaints should be handled within 24 hours.

8.2 If there is too much feedback from users on the same day, some entrances will be dsiabled or taken down depending on the severity of the problem.

8.3 If the developer has formulated a user service agreement or terms and conditions with equivalent legal effect for the Mini Program, the relevant agreement and terms and conditions shall not be contrary to the Mini Program Platform Operation Rules and related documents, rules and specifications, otherwise the relevant agreement and terms and conditions shall be invalid and the platform shall have the right to handle disputes between the developer and the user in accordance with the platform specifications.

9. Local Law Compliance

The developer shall comply with local laws, and respect local social norms throughout the course of use of Mini Program platform services. The developer shall be held solely liable if any of his / her actions are in violation of laws or social norms.

Mini Program developers shall refrain from using this service in a way that would implicate Binance in political or public incidents. Otherwise, Binance is entitled to suspend or terminate your use of such service.

10. Disclaimer of Mini Program Platform Operation Rules

Mini Program developers clearly understand and agree that Binance does not provide any kind of express or implied warranties or conditions regarding Mini Program services, including without limitation commercial and specific applicability. The use of Mini Programs shall be at the developer’s own risk.

11. Documentation Updates

This is a document that will be regularly updated. We will revise and update it and set forth new rules based on new problems, applicable laws, or current product operation requirements to ensure Binance users' experience. Please check this document for updates and review it regularly to ensure that you know about the latest updates.