

Mini Program Crucial Update

Notice: Termination of Support for JS SDK <4.0

Announcement Date: November 21, 2022

We hereby announce the cessation of support for JS SDK <4.0. Immediate action necessary: Upgrade your JS SDK to ^4.x or later versions and confirm that your Mini Program functions seamlessly with the most recent version of Native with SDK ^4.x.

For any assistance required, our team is readily available.

End Of Life (EOL) Notice

Our Mini Program hereby discontinues its support for the following JS SDK versions marking their End of Life (EOL):

Most Recent Supported Native VersionCorrelated JS SDK VersionEOL Status
2.35JS SDK ^1.xEnded on 2021-09-09
2.46JS SDK ^2.xEnded on 2022-05-19
2.58JS SDK ^3.xEnding on 2022-12-22
JS SDK ^4.xContinues LTS ⭐️

Key Notes on Breaking Changes

Deprecation of Template Tags <style> and <br>

Refrain from using <style> and <br> tags and instead, opt for CSS files.

🙅Discouraged Practice:

Implementing inline <style>

<View className="index">
__html: `
.index {
background: #333;
<View className="index-hd"></View>

Incorporating inline <br>

<View className="title">
Mini Program <br />
Component Demos
Image Component Changes

Replacement element styles like object-fit have ceased to function. Kindly employ other styles or prop modes as replacement.

The size of Image will not be auto-adjusted to the image size when both width and height are set to auto.

The image event detail source event.detail.src has been removed.

🙅Incorrect Usage:

Employing object-fit style

<Image className="image" src={imageSrc} />
.image {
object-fit: cover; // 🙅 This style has been deprecated for img only

✅Correct Usage:

Implementing mode

<Image mode="scaleToFill" src={imageSrc} /> // ✅ Recommended to use `mode`
Modifications to Text Component

The Text component confines its nesting to Text component only. Other components will now be disabled within the Text component.


Using <View> within <Text>

<View>Mini Program</View>
<View>Component Demos</View>


Implement <Text> within <Text>

<Text>Mini Program</Text>
<Text>Component Demos</Text>
Eviction of Deprecated Legacy Code
  • The API bn.twoFa has been terminated.
  • The global env has been abandoned, please use API bn.env as the alternate.
  • The entryPage attribute from app.json has been scrapped, please use entryPagePath as its substitution.
  • The error element error._code has been cancelled, use error.errno instead.
  • canIUseCustom: Options of string type like 'myaction' have been tossed out, please adopt { action: 'myaction' } instead.
  • showModal: The response.status has been revoked, prefer response.confirm/response.cancel instead.
  • request: The function response.json() has been omitted, set options.dataType to 'json' and use response.data instead.
  • request: The response.text() has been deserted, opt to use response.data instead.
  • request: The thenable return is no longer available, use options.success/options.fail as a substitute.

To attune to the new SDK ^4, consider re-uploading your MiniProgram project with

  • CLI v2.4.22 by running $ npm install -g @binance/mp-cli
  • And by selecting MSV^4.0.2 on IDE v2.22.0.

Announcement: End of support for JS SDK <3.0

Date of announcement: 2022-03-10

Announcing the end of support for JS SDK <3.0. Action required: You need to upgrade to JS SDK ^3.x or later and make sure your Mini Program can run on the latest version of Native with SDK ^3.x.

If you need any assistance, feel free to contact us.


Starting May 19th 2022, the Mini Program will no longer support the following end of life (EOL) JS SDK versions:

Last supported Native versionJS SDK versionEOL
2.35JS SDK ^1.xEOL on 2021-09-09
2.46JS SDK ^2.xEOL on 2022-05-19
JS SDK ^3.xActive LTS ✅

Release notes

The release note for each release. Please also check Release Note for more details.

JS SDK VersionRelease note
2.2.0 -> (2021-11-18)
3.0.0 -> (2021-12-09)
3.1.0 -> (2021-12-30)
3.2.4 -> (2022-01-20)
3.3.0 -> 3.4.2 (rollbacked)3.4.0 (2022-02-17)
3.4.2 -> (2022-03-10)

Breaking changes Summary

Image component

Now default size of Image is width: 320px; height: 240px;

// Image Component size
+ width: 320px;
+ height: 240px;
Deprecated legacy code removed
  • Component DeprecatedInput removed, please use Input component instead.
  • Component DeprecatedTextarea removed, please use Textarea component instead.
import {
- DeprecatedInput,
- DeprecatedTextarea,
} from '@binance/mp-components'
  • API bn.getCurrentPages removed, please use global getCurrentPages function instead.
  • API bn.getApp removed, please use global getApp function instead.
  • API bn.getTabBar removed.
  • requestPayment: options.noncestr removed, please use options.nonceStr instead.
  • request: options.body removed, please use options.data instead.
  • request: options.headers removed, please use options.header instead.
  • connectSocket: options.headers removed, please use options.header instead.
  • SocketTask: callback payload of onOpen changed:
- headers,
+ header
} => {})

To use the new SDK ^3, please re-upload MiniProgram with

  • CLI v2.1.3 $ npm install -g @binance/mp-cli
  • IDE v2.12.0 and select MSV^3.2.0 on IDE

Crucial Update to the Mini Program

Notice: Termination of Support for JS SDK <3.0

Bulletin Date: March 10, 2022

We hereby announce the discontinuation of support for JS SDK <3.0. Immediate Action Required: You must upgrade to JS SDK ^3.x or newer and ensure that your Mini Program is compatible with the latest version of Native featuring SDK ^3.x.

For any assistance required, feel free to get in touch.

End Of Life (EOL) Notice

Effective from May 19th, 2022, our Mini Program will cease supporting the following JS SDK versions:

Latterly Supported Native VersionCorrelated JS SDK VersionEOL Status
2.35JS SDK ^1.xEnded 2021-09-09
2.46JS SDK ^2.xEnded 2022-05-19
JS SDK ^3.xActive LTS ⭐️

Release Notes Insight

We document focus points of each release in our Release Notes. To capture meticulous updates, please explore our Release Note.

Transitional JS SDK VersionsComplementary Release Notes
2.2.0 -> (2021-11-18)
3.0.0 -> (2021-12-09)
3.1.0 -> (2021-12-30)
3.2.4 -> (2022-01-20)
3.3.0 -> 3.4.2 (Rolled back)3.4.0 (2022-02-17)
3.4.2 -> (2022-03-10)

Crucial Notes on Breaking Changes

Image Component Alterations

The current default Image measurements are width: 320px; height: 240px;

// Adjustment to Image Component Size
+ width: 320px;
+ height: 240px;
Expunction of Deprecated Legacy Code
  • The DeprecatedInput component has been discarded. Please utilize the Input component as its replacement.
  • The DeprecatedTextarea Component has been removed. You are advised to rely on the updated Textarea component.
import {
- DeprecatedInput,
- DeprecatedTextarea,
} from '@binance/mp-components'
  • The bn.getCurrentPages API has been eliminated. Please use the global function getCurrentPages as its replacement.
  • The bn.getApp API has been discarded. Please resort to the global function getApp as an alternate.
  • The bn.getTabBar API has been dismissed.
  • requestPayment: options.noncestr has been discarded. Please resort to options.nonceStr as its replacement.
  • request: options.body has been terminated. Please adopt options.data as its replacement.
  • request: options.headers has been eliminated. Please resort to options.header for its replacement.
  • connectSocket: options.headers has been discarded. Please resort to options.header as an alternate.
  • SocketTask: The callback payload of onOpen has been altered:
- headers,
+ header
} => {})

To transition smoothly to the new SDK ^3, please follow these steps:

  • Adopt CLI v2.1.3 by executing $ npm install -g @binance/mp-cli
  • Choose MSV^3.2.0 on IDE v2.12.0.