
Mini Programs Audit Rules

1. Disallowed Mini Program Types

  • Advertising and promotion
  • Game aggregation platform
  • Information aggregation platform
  • Lending Information Intermediary
  • Spot/Futures Trading
  • Services for Enterprise
  • Services that conflict with the Binance business model

2. Naming Audit Rules

2.1 Rules for Naming Settings

2.1.1. Composition and Word Limit

The name of a Mini Program should be between 3 and 30 characters long, and an unicode character is equal to 3 characters. The Mini Program should try its best to set the internationalization of the name.

2.1.2. Unique

The name of the Mini Program should be unique. The Mini Program of different entities cannot have the same name.

2.1.3. Recognizable

The name of the Mini Program must be relevant and recognizable to the description and the services provided in the Mini Program, and is not allowed to be duplicated, highly similar or confusing with the name of the Mini Program already online. The recommended name is a brand, trademark or a short word with recognizable characteristics.

2.2 Prohibitions and Restrictions

2.2.1. Name is too broad

The name of the Mini Program shall not be too broad, thus causing confusion to users, and shall not be named directly or in combination with generic words without different attributes such as nouns, industry category words, product names, activity names, function words, local domain names, marketing words, etc.

2.2.2. Illegal or Unlawful Content The name shall not involve pornography, violence and other illegal and unlawful content, shall not involve politics, shall not contain politically sensitive, pornographic, violent and bloody, terrorist content, racial discrimination or content contrary to local laws. Shall not involve intellectual property infringement: in the absence of trademark or brand authorization, the name shall not infringe upon the legitimate intellectual property rights of others, and shall not use without authorization the trademarks, brand logos and other content of third parties enjoying legitimate rights and interests or content, information or special corner markings similar to them. Shall not infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of others: shall not infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of others such as privacy, reputation, portrait and name rights.

2.2.3. Inconsistent with the Main Business Content

If the name points to specific categories/categories and other industry information, the service content in the Mini Program must contain the category/category content corresponding to the name.

For non-official accounts, it is forbidden to have the same content in the account name as the existing intellectual property content of Binance, and other content that is easily confused with the theme and appearance of the existing Binance product design.

3. Description Audit Rules

3.1 The description length of the Mini Program is between 100-300 characters, the Tagline length is within 60 characters, and an unicode character is equal to 3 characters. The Mini Program should try to complete the internationalization setting of the description.

3.2 The core function points of the Mini Program must be introduced accurately, no false introduction, no description with too broad content, ambiguous semantics, or garbled code without actual semantics and no relevance to the Mini Program.

3.3 Avoid the complete repetition or basic repetition of the name of the Mini Program, and introduce the core function points of the Mini Program to users as precisely as possible, so that users can understand it quickly and intuitively.

3.4 There’s no politically sensitive, pornographic, violent and bloody, terrorist content and other illegal content prohibited by local laws and regulations. It is not allowed to violate the privacy, reputation, portrait rights, intellectual property rights, trade secrets and other legal rights of others.

3.5 There’s no content in the description to be identical or similar to the existing intellectual property content of Binance, or confusing with the theme and appearance of existing Binance products.

3.6 There’s no information that leads users to download or to join other platforms (including but not limited to links to induce download of APP, information of other platform accounts, etc.).

4. Logo Audit Rules

4.1.1 The developer logo should be clear, with 144*144 pixels, and the text and graphics inside the logo should be clearly visible and not cropped by the circular container.

4.1.2 The developer logo is not allowed to involve pornography, violence and other illegal and illegal contents, and is not allowed to involve politics.

4.1.3 The developer logo is not allowed to violate the privacy, reputation, portrait rights, intellectual property rights, trade secrets and other legal rights of others.

4.1.4 The developer logo is not allowed to be duplicated or confused with existing accounts (suspected of infringement).

4.1.5 The developer's logo is not allowed to contain advertising information that is not related to the account's operational content.

4.1.6 The developer logo is not allowed to contain QR code of any platform.

4.1.7 The developer logo is not allowed to contain information that leads users to download or join other platforms (including but not limited to links to induce download of APP, information of other platform accounts, etc.).

4.1.8 The developer's logo is not allowed to contain words that are identical or similar to the content of the existing intellectual property rights of Binance, or content that is easily confused with the theme and appearance of the existing Binance product design.

4.2 Rules for Mini Program icon

4.2.1 The Mini Program icon should be clear, with 96x96 pixels and the core logo graphic recommended to be around 72x72. The text and graphics inside the logo should be clearly visible and not cropped by the circular container.

4.2.2 Do not use QR code as a Mini Program icon. If you use a portrait as a Mini Program icon, please make sure you have got authorization from the portrait right holder.

4.2.3 The Mini Program icons are not allowed to have prohibited, vulgar or offensive characters and patterns, and cannot have political tendency or political color.

4.2.4 The Mini Program icons cannot use intellectual property rights such as trademarks that have been registered or have legal rights by others.

4.2.5 No red dots, NEW, HOT, or logos imitating the Label of the Mini Program are allowed to appear on the Mini Program icons.

4.2.5 The Mini Program icon is not allowed to contain words that are identical or similar to the content of the existing intellectual property rights of Binance, or content that is easily confused with the theme and appearance of the existing Binance product design.

5. Content Audit Rules

5.1 Rules for Page Contents

5.1.1 There can be no defamatory, discriminatory or malicious content, including references or comments about religion, race, sexual orientation, gender, nationality, ethnic origin or other target groups.

5.1.2 There can be no realistic depictions of humans or animals being killed, maimed, tortured, abused, or encouraging violence. In the game, "enemies" cannot be singled out against a specific race, culture, real government or corporation, or any other real entity.

5.1.3 There can be no descriptions that encourage the illegal use or irresponsible use of weapons and dangerous goods, or that promote the purchase of arms or ammunition.

5.1.4 There must not be material promoting pornographic or erotic content (i.e. material intended to arouse eroticism, explicit descriptions or displays of sexual organs or acts, and not related to aesthetics), or material suspected of promoting the dissemination of information on obscene or erotic content, including revealing images, provocative content, etc., or contents that facilitate prostitution.

5.1.5 Cannot contain inflammatory religious commentary or make false or misleading references to religious texts

5.1.6 The Mini Program must not have suspected of fraudulent user behavior or false advertising content, including false or impersonation type content

5.1.7 There must not be any content on the page of the Mini Program that misleadingly and incorrectly implies that there is any cooperation, investment or endorsement relationship between Binance and the Mini Program, such as misleadingly and incorrectly implying that Binance is the operator of the Mini Program, or misleadingly and incorrectly implying that Binance endorses its quality, service or cooperation with it in any form when the Mini Program is not in fact operated by Binance.

5.2 User Privacy and Data Security

5.2.1 When collecting and using any user data, the user must be clearly informed of the purpose of the data, ensure that it is explicitly agreed and authorized by the user, and should make reasonable use within the scope of the user's agreement and authorization. The relevant data shall be deleted after the user cancels the account.

5.2.2 The Mini Program must obtain the user's explicit consent and authorization before publishing, sending or forwarding any content instead of the user.

5.2.3 The Mini Program should request users to enter Binance username or password on any pages.

5.2.4 The Mini Program should not display users’ related data, such as: avatar, nickname and other information without their authorized consent.

5.2.5 The Mini Program cannot directly pop up the authorization page when users enter the first screen.

5.2.6 The Mini Program is not allowed to force authorization; the service is still available after the user cancels authorization.

5.2.7 The Mini Program should not request for users’ authorization on multiple pages and for the multiple categories.

5.3 Sensitive Content Filtering

5.3.1 There’s no irrelevant, or sensitive or offensive content in the dynamic content such as search boxes and search results.

5.3.2 The Mini Program which contains an user-definable input, needs to have a sensitive content filtering mechanism

5.3.3 The Mini Program which contains an user-definable image uploading, needs to have a sensitive image filtering mechanism

6. Quality and Audit

6.1 Rules for Functional audit

6.1.1 Page Display There’s no sensitive and illegal information in the titles, context and images. There’s no abnormal size, distortion or blurring images on the page. When there is no image or loading failure, there must be a default image as the placeholder. There’s no text and links that lead users to download third party apps. There’s no no blank pages. Sensitive information must be desensitized for display (ID, phone, email, etc.). The customer service email must be accessible. The embedded web page must be adapted according to the mobile layout. The title of the page must be relevant to the current operation.

6.1.2 Pop-ups The pop-up must have a close button, and the user must not be forced to click on the pop-up to enter the next step. The pop-up cannot be cycled after the user closes it, and the user must be able to continue using the normal service after closing the pop-up with a button. The pop-up cannot overlap/repeat, and the same pop-up cannot be popped up repeatedly on different pages within the Mini Program. The Developer cannot display exaggerated content on the pop-up to coerce users to click.

6.1.3 Reliability

The Mini Program should give the user a corresponding prompt in case of network abnormality, loading timeout, system error, etc., and no other errors such as crashes.

6.1.4 API

The Mini Program should ensure that each API call is functionally correct, including Binance Pay, Binance OAuth Login, etc.

6.1.5 Categories The Mini Program category is consistent with the content provided on the page. The core content in the Mini Program page must be consistent with the category selected for that Mini Program. The user can use the service category on the page. The service must not hide it or need multiple navigation. The core functions provided by the Mini Program must be displayed on the home page.

6.1.6 Accounts If the Mini Program has an account system, it must provide an "logout" option for users. If the main process involves test account login, test environment configuration, the developer needs to provide the test account and test information when submitting the audit, and if there is a test report, please provide the test report at the same time.

6.2 Rules for Performance Audit

6.2.1 Runtime

The Mini Program does not crash, and does not cause Binance APP to crash. There’s no javascript exceptions or business logic errors.

6.2.2 Interaction The Mini Program should not spend too long time to load pages, or to respond to user actions. The Mini Program should work properly when both in the weak network ( 2G, 3G ) and good network ( LTE, wifi ). If the page fails to load, a page prompt is required with the ability to let users retry. If the page takes a long time to load, a loading hint is required.

6.2.3 Resources The Mini Program should not load too many resources. The Mini Program should not have too many requests when loading the pages. No continuous, heavy CPU-consuming threads.

6.3 Compatibility Model Recommendations

Android covers 5.x and higher iOS covers 9.x or higher

7. Documentation Updates

This is a document that will be regularly updated. We will revise and update it and set forth new rules based on new problems, applicable laws, or current product operation requirements to ensure Binance users' experience. Please check this document for updates and review it regularly to ensure that you know about the latest updates.