

Developing Mini Programs with React comes with a few differences compared to using React on the web.

The Entry Component

You have to register each mini program. You can do this by calling the App method in the file named 'app.js'. This will let the Mini Program use specific functions. These functions include: tracking the lifecycle, listening for any errors, and detecting when a page cannot be found.

onLaunch (options) {
// Do something initial when launch.
onShow (options) {
// Do something when show.
onHide () {
// Do something when hide.
onError (msg) {
globalData: 'I am global data'

A Mini Program has only one app instance, which is shared to all pages. Developers can obtain the globally unique app instance by using the getApp method, and then obtain data in the app or call a function registered with App by the developers.

// xxx.js
const appInstance = getApp()
console.log(appInstance.globalData) // I am global data

Entry Configuration

We can create a new file called 'app.json' for overall settings.

The way we set up this file is based on the mini program's global configuration.

// app.json
pages: ['pages/index/index'],
window: {
backgroundTextStyle: 'light',
navigationBarBackgroundColor: '#fff',
navigationBarTitleText: 'Title',
navigationBarTextStyle: 'black',

onLaunch ()

It starts when the app launches.

onShow ()

It starts when the app launches, or when it goes from the background to the front.

onHide ()

It starts when the app goes from the front to the background.


Listens for when the Mini Program has errors. For example, these errors can be from a broken script or a problem with a function call. The 'err' is what the error is.


For every page in a Mini Program, we need to register a page instance. We do this by calling the Page method in the js file that matches the page. This lets us set the page's initial data, life cycle tracking function, and event handling function.

// index.js
data: {
text: "This is page data."
onLoad: function(options) {
// Do some initialize when page load.
onReady: function() {
// Do something when page ready.
onShow: function() {
// Do something when page show.
onHide: function() {
// Do something when page hide.
onUnload: function() {
// Do something when page close.
onPullDownRefresh: function() {
// Do something when pull down.
onReachBottom: function() {
// Do something when page reach bottom.
onShareAppMessage: function () {
// return custom share data when user share.
onPageScroll: function() {
// Do something when page scroll
onTabItemTap(item) {
// Event handler.
viewTap: function() {
text: 'Set some data for updating view.'
}, function() {
// this is setData callback


This happens every time a tab item is tapped.


indexStringthe position of the tab item, starting at 0
pagePathStringthe location of the tab item
textStringthe written content of the tab item

Page Configuration

For every page file (like. /pages/index/index.js), we can make a new . /pages/index/index.json file for configuring the page.

// file: pages/index/index.json
"navigationBarTitleText": "Home"

onLoad (options)

During this lifecycle, page navigation parameters can be obtained by calling getCurrentInstance().router.

onReady ()

At this point in the lifecycle, the Mini Program has already transferred the DOM nodes to the rendering layer using APIs.

onShow ()

This is triggered when the page is displayed or brought to the front.

onHide ()

This is triggered when the page is hidden or moved to the background.


This listens for Mini Program errors such as a script error or API Calls.


This listens for the user scrolling the page.

Parameter Object object:

scrollTopNumberScroll distance in the vertical direction (in px)

Note: Defining this method in a page should only be done when necessary to reduce potential performance impacts. Also, be cautious of repeated executions in onPageScroll, it could increase communication time.

Example of a child component in a page

onPageScroll({ scrollTop }) {
console.log('onPageScroll', scrollTop)


This listens for the user scrolling to the bottom of the page.

  • You can set the trigger distance onReachBottomDistance in the app.json window option or in the Page Configuration.
  • This event only triggers once when the page scrolls within the trigger distance.

Example of a child component in a page

onReachBottom() {


Listen to user-initiated share actions, such as clicking on the in-page share button open-type="share", the top-right menu "Share", or executing bn.showSharePanel, and customize the shared content.


fromStringShare event source: button: in-page share button, menu: top-right retweet menu, code: Execute bn.showSharePanel
targetStringIf from value is button, then target is the triggered share button, otherwise undefined

This event handler requires a return of an Object or Promise to customize the shared content:

fieldTypeDescriptionDefault value
titleStringShare titleCurrent Mini Program name
imageUrlStringCustom image path, should be a network image path. Supports PNG and JPG formats.Uses default screenshot
pathFunctionShare path. Must be a full path starting with /Current page path
successFunctionCallback function when the user forwards on
onShareAppMessage(...args) {
console.log('onShareAppMessage', args)
return Promise.resolve({
title: 'my title',
desc: 'mydesc',
imageUrl: 'https://public.bnbstatic.com/static/images/common/ogImage.jpg',
path: 'pages/extended/pages/share/share?p=1',
success: res => console.log('shareResult', res.shareResult)),