
How to complete the kyb process

This document provides detailed instructions on accurately completing the Know Your Business (KYB) process.


Before developing a mini program on the Binance platform, it's important that you undergo the merchant onboarding process. We've devised an online onboarding process that allows developers to submit their business information conveniently. After submission, you'll gain a 30-day trial access to your workspace, where you can manage the development and staffing aspects of your mini program.

Following approval, you will gain full access with all the workspace functionalities. The process to complete the onboarding is outlined below:


Onboarding Process

Step 1

Log into https://developers.binance.com/ and click on the red-boxed text to register your business information. Ensure you already have a Binance account before proceeding.


If your account lacks an associated workspace, click the red-boxed text. Upon the creation of a workspace, subsequent logins will directly send you to your workspace.


Step 2

Identify yourself and select "Apply".


Step 3

Enter your requisite business information.


On submission, you'll secure a 30-day free trial workspace, which upgrades to a full-fledged workspace post-approval. As a space administrator, you can add members to your workspace.



  1. If you don't have your business details/documents on hand at the time of application, you can bypass the "Entity Verification" step. You can complete the verification later via the Summary page. Do note that this must be done before trial expiration. Otherwise, workspace features will be disabled.


  1. If you've previously completed the Know Your Business (KYB) verification for Binance.com or Binance Pay, register using your extant business account. We'll also automatically populate your business information for expedited completion of the process.

Find your existing business account at: https://www.binance.com/en/my/wallet/account/payment or https://binance.com


  1. The following are needed for Entity Verification: a) Front and back photos of your identity document (ID – for the applicant or workspace administrator) b) Front and back photos of your business actual controller's ID c) Certificate of Incorporation d) Operating License (if applicable) Note: if you're submitting your passport, the front cover can replace the back photo.

If You See a Trial Period Prompt in Workspace

Should a trial period be visible in the workspace, instruct the workspace admin to click on "verify" from the Summary page to perform KYB verification.
