
Mini Progrram Gray Release

This document outlines the concept of Gray Release in the context of Mini-Programs.

Before you launch each new version of a mini program, you must select a release strategy. If it's the program's first version, a full release is mandatory.

Gray Release Policies

  1. Full Release
  2. Scale Release
  3. Whitelist Release

Full Release

A Full Release implies that the version will be launched outright.

Scale Release

A Scale Release signifies that only a portion of users can access the new version; the rest will access the prior version. For example, if developers opt for a 10% scale release, only 10% of users (based on SDK compatibility) can access this new version.


MVMSVPublished Time
1.2.0^1.0.0/^2.0.02020/10/20Full Release
1.2.1^2.0.02020/10/21Full Release
1.2.2^2.0.02020/10/22Gray Release (10%)
NVBinded SVLoaded MV 1.2.1 10% 1.2.2 1.2.1 10% 1.2.2

Whitelist Release

A Whitelist Release is designed for granting specific users access. Developers can insert users' device IDs onto the list to grant them access to the new version.

Release Flow

Whitelist -> Gray Release -> Full Release

Once an audit version is approved, developers can set it up for a gray release.



After setting the gray release strategy, the version can now go live. If already released, developers can adjust the release strategy.


Important Notes:

  1. If a gray release is in progress, the rollback and new version publishing actions will be blocked.
  2. Developers can deprecate a gray release version if any issues are found post-release.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Can I have multiple versions in gray release status at the same time?

    No, only one version can be in gray release status at a time (either scale release or whitelist release).