Download Nightly Version
[2.55.0-development.20250213] 2025-02-13
**Download: MacOS(196.18 MB)
[2.55.0-development.20250122] 2025-01-22
**Download: MacOS(196.20 MB)
- feat: support standalone-chunks
[2.55.0-development.20250120] 2025-01-20
**Download: MacOS(201.36 MB)
- feat(ide): add diagnosticPage
[2.54.0-development.20241121] 2024-11-29
**Download: MacOS(196.78 MB)
[2.54.0-development.20241120] 2024-11-20
**Download: MacOS(196.78 MB)
[2.53.0-development.20241101] 2024-11-01
**Download: MacOS(196.95 MB)
Bug Fixes
- fix: find extend lib file missing
- feat: rank long task in timeline
[2.53.0-development.20241030] 2024-10-30
**Download: MacOS(196.95 MB)
Bug Fixes
- fix: android qjs pkg support
- feat: update timeline
[2.53.0-development.20241022] 2024-10-22
**Download: MacOS(196.96 MB)
Bug Fixes
- fix(runtime): premature return issue in ide enviroment's show-modal api
[2.52.0-development.20240922] 2024-09-30
**Download: MacOS(193.68 MB)
[2.52.0-development.20240921] 2024-09-30
**Download: MacOS(193.68 MB)
- feat(bundler): update bundler version
[2.52.0-development.20240920] 2024-09-30
**Download: MacOS(193.69 MB)
- feat(bundler): update bundler version
[2.52.0-development.20240919] 2024-09-19
**Download: MacOS(193.69 MB)
- feat: support navigationBarButtonColor in ide
- feat: support prefers-color-scheme
[2.52.0-development.20240918] 2024-09-18
**Download: MacOS(193.69 MB)
Performance Improvements
- perf: remove widget bundle and ignore skeleton error
[2.51.0-development.20240903] 2024-09-03
**Download: MacOS(193.38 MB)
[2.51.0-development.20240902] 2024-09-02
**Download: MacOS(193.38 MB)
[2.50.0-development.20240821] 2024-08-21
**Download: MacOS(193.37 MB)
Bug Fixes
- fix: bundle pages rpc in bundeWatch for page updates
- feat: update bundle watch add entry
Performance Improvements
- perf: only bundle all pages once then diff the change file to add page entry in watch mode
[2.50.0-development.20240821] 2024-08-21
**Download: MacOS(193.36 MB)
Performance Improvements
- perf: only bundle all pages once then diff the change file to add page entry in watch mode
[2.50.0-development.20240819] 2024-08-19
**Download: MacOS(193.32 MB)
- feat: auto start detected port server
Performance Improvements
- perf: hot reload without bundleApp
[2.50.0-development.20240816] 2024-08-16
**Download: MacOS(193.32 MB)