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UM Position ADL Quantile Estimation(USER_DATA)

API Description

Query UM Position ADL Quantile Estimation

  • Values update every 30s.
  • Values 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 shows the queue position and possibility of ADL from low to high.
  • For positions of the symbol are in One-way Mode or isolated margined in Hedge Mode, "LONG", "SHORT", and "BOTH" will be returned to show the positions' adl quantiles of different position sides.
  • If the positions of the symbol are crossed margined in Hedge Mode:
    • "HEDGE" as a sign will be returned instead of "BOTH";
    • A same value caculated on unrealized pnls on long and short sides' positions will be shown for "LONG" and "SHORT" when there are positions in both of long and short sides.

HTTP Request

GET /papi/v1/um/adlQuantile

Request Weight


Request Parameters


Response Example

"symbol": "ETHUSDT",
// if the positions of the symbol are crossed margined in Hedge Mode, "LONG" and "SHORT" will be returned a same quantile value, and "HEDGE" will be returned instead of "BOTH".
"LONG": 3,
"SHORT": 3,
"HEDGE": 0 // only a sign, ignore the value
"symbol": "BTCUSDT",
// for positions of the symbol are in One-way Mode or isolated margined in Hedge Mode
"LONG": 1, // adl quantile for "LONG" position in hedge mode
"SHORT": 2, // adl qauntile for "SHORT" position in hedge mode
"BOTH": 0 // adl qunatile for position in one-way mode