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Account Balance(USER_DATA)

API Description

Query account balance

HTTP Request

GET /papi/v1/balance

Request Weight


Request Parameters


Response Example

"asset": "USDT", // asset name
"totalWalletBalance": "122607.35137903", // wallet balance = cross margin free + cross margin locked + UM wallet balance + CM wallet balance
"crossMarginAsset": "92.27530794", // crossMarginAsset = crossMarginFree + crossMarginLocked
"crossMarginBorrowed": "10.00000000", // principal of cross margin
"crossMarginFree": "100.00000000", // free asset of cross margin
"crossMarginInterest": "0.72469206", // interest of cross margin
"crossMarginLocked": "3.00000000", //lock asset of cross margin
       "umWalletBalance": "0.00000000", // wallet balance of um
"umUnrealizedPNL": "23.72469206", // unrealized profit of um
"cmWalletBalance": "23.72469206", // wallet balance of cm
"cmUnrealizedPNL": "", // unrealized profit of cm
"updateTime": 1617939110373

**OR (when symbol sent)**
"asset": "USDT", // asset name
"totalWalletBalance": "122607.35137903", // wallet balance = cross margin free + cross margin locked + UM wallet balance + CM wallet balance
"crossMarginBorrowed": "10.00000000", // principal of cross margin
"crossMarginFree": "100.00000000", // free asset of cross margin
"crossMarginInterest": "0.72469206", // interest of cross margin
"crossMarginLocked": "3.00000000", //lock asset of cross margin
   "umWalletBalance": "0.00000000", // wallet balance of um
"umUnrealizedPNL": "23.72469206", // unrealized profit of um
"cmWalletBalance": "23.72469206", // wallet balance of cm
"cmUnrealizedPNL": "", // unrealized profit of cm
"updateTime": 1617939110373