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Index Price and Mark Price

API Description

Query index price and mark price

HTTP Request

GET /dapi/v1/premiumIndex

Request Weight


Request Parameters


Response Example

"symbol": "BTCUSD_PERP",
"pair": "BTCUSD",
"markPrice": "11029.69574559", // mark price
"indexPrice": "10979.14437500", // index price
"estimatedSettlePrice": "10981.74168236", // Estimated Settle Price, only useful in the last hour before the settlement starts.
"lastFundingRate": "0.00071003", // the lasted funding rate, for perpetual contract symbols only. For delivery symbols, "" will be shown.
"interestRate": "0.00010000", // the base asset interest rate, for perpetual contract symbols only. For delivery symbols, "" will be shown.
"nextFundingTime": 1596096000000, // For perpetual contract symbols only. For delivery symbols, 0 will be shown
"time": 1596094042000
"symbol": "BTCUSD_200925",
"pair": "BTCUSD",
"markPrice": "12077.01343750",
"indexPrice": "10979.10312500",
"estimatedSettlePrice": "10981.74168236",
"lastFundingRate": "",
"interestRate": "",
"nextFundingTime": 0,
"time": 1596094042000