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Compressed/Aggregate Trades List

API Description

Get compressed, aggregate trades. Market trades that fill in 100ms with the same price and the same taking side will have the quantity aggregated.

HTTP Request

GET /dapi/v1/aggTrades

Request Weight


Request Parameters

fromIdLONGNOID to get aggregate trades from INCLUSIVE.
startTimeLONGNOTimestamp in ms to get aggregate trades from INCLUSIVE.
endTimeLONGNOTimestamp in ms to get aggregate trades until INCLUSIVE.
limitINTNODefault 500; max 1000.
  • If both startTime and endTime are sent, time between startTime and endTime must be less than 1 hour.
  • If fromId, startTime, and endTime are not sent, the most recent aggregate trades will be returned.
  • Only market trades will be aggregated and returned, which means the insurance fund trades and ADL trades won't be aggregated.
  • Sending both startTime/endTime and fromId might cause response timeout, please send either fromId or startTime/endTime

Response Example

"a": 416690, // Aggregate tradeId
"p": "9642.4", // Price
"q": "3", // Quantity
"f": 595259, // First tradeId
"l": 595259, // Last tradeId
"T": 1591250548649, // Timestamp
"m": false, // Was the buyer the maker?