
Payout Non-binance user Notification

Webhook Endpoints

Request Parameters

bizIdlongY-Payout ID
bizIdStrstringY-biz id as string
bizStatusstringY-Same as Payout Query detail order status
dataPayoutOrderDetailY-JSON string

Child Attribute


merchantSendIdstringY-Unique identifier for the merchant sending the payout.
orderIdstringY-Unique identifier for the order associated with this payout.
batchIdstringY-Batch identifier grouping multiple payouts.
statusstringY-Same as Payout Query detail order status
currencystringY-The currency in which the payout is made.
amountdecimalY-The total amount of the payout.
receiveTypestringYEnum valueReceiver's ID type only will be Email
EMAIL: Binance user email address, support payout to non-binance users
receiverstringY-The email of this receiver

Sample Payload

"bizType": "PAYOUT",
"data": "{\"merchantSendId\":\"XXXIDXXX\",\"orderId\":\"284838578405933060\",\"batchId\":\"284838578405933040\",\"status\":\"SUCCESS\",\"currency\":\"USDT\",\"amount\":\"1\",\"receiveType\":\"EMAIL\",\"receiver\":\"[email protected]\"}",
"bizIdStr": "29383937493038367292",
"bizId": 29383937493038367292,
"bizStatus": "SUCCESS"

Response Parameters

returnCodestringY"SUCCESS" or "FAIL"result code of notification processing, if process fail, Binance Pay will retry
returnMessagestringN-return message

Sample Response

After receiving a webhook with your endpoint, please respond with an HTTP 200 OK.
