
Query Order

Query order API used for merchant/partner to query order status


POST /binancepay/openapi/v2/order/query

Request Parameters

prepayIdstringNletter or digit, no other symbol allowed, can not be empty if merchantTradeNo is emptyBinance unique order id
merchantTradeNostringNletter or digit, no other symbol allowed, can not be empty if prepayId is emptyThe order id, Unique identifier for the request. Will be ignored if prepayId already provided

Sample Request Body

Query order result by merchantTradeNo:

"merchantTradeNo": "9825382937292"

Query order result by prepayId:

"prepayId": "9825382937292"

Response Parameters

statusstringY"SUCCESS" or "FAIL"status of the API request
codestringY-request result code, refer to
dataQueryOrderResultN-response body, refer to

Child Attribute


merchantIdlongY-The merchant account id, issued when merchant been created at Binance.
prepayIdstringY-unique id generated by binance
transactionIdstringN-issued once the payment is successful
merchantTradeNostringY-letter or digit, no other symbol allowed, can not be empty if prepayId is empty
currencystringY-order currency
orderAmountstringY-limitation refer to Create Order API order amount
openUserIdstringN-Consumer unique id
passThroughInfostringN-pass through info, from the create order api
transactTimelongN-Timestamp when transaction happened
createTimelongY-Timestamp when order was created
paymentInfoobjectN-payment information, refer to

PaymentInfo Data

payerIdstringY-payer pay id
payMethodstringY-pay method
paymentInstructionslist[PaymentInstruction]Y-payment instruction list, refer to
subChannelstringN-sub channel
payerDetailstringN-encrypted payer identity information for merchant compliance purposes without compromising privacy and security. Decryption instructions please refer to.
This function is only available for whitelisted merchants.

PaymentInstruction Data

currencystringY-payment currency
amountstringY-currency amount
pricestringY-currency price

Sample Response

"status": "SUCCESS",
"code": "000000",
"data": {
"merchantId": 98729382672,
"prepayId": "383729303729303",
"transactionId": "23729202729220282",
"merchantTradeNo": "9825382937292",
"status": "PAID",
"currency": "USDT",
"orderAmount": "10.88",
"openUserId": "",
"passThroughInfo": "",
"transactTime": 1425744000123,
"createTime": 1425744000000,
"paymentInfo": {
"payerId": "100103455154",
"payMethod": "funding",
"paymentInstructions": [
"currency": "USDT",
"amount": "10.88",
"price": "1"
"channel": "DEFAULT"
"errorMessage": ""

Result Code

UNKNOW_ERROR400000An unknown error occurred while processing the request.Try again later
INVALID_REQUEST400001Parameter format is wrong or parameter transferring doesn't follow the rules.Please check whether the parameters are correct.
INVALID_SIGNATURE400002Incorrect signature resultCheck whether the signature parameter and method comply with signature algorithm requirements.
INVALID_TIMESTAMP400003Timestamp for this request is outside of the time window.Sync server clock
INVALID_API_KEY_OR_IP400004API identity key not found or invalid.Check API identity key
BAD_API_KEY_FMT400005API identity key format invalid.Check API identity key.
MANDATORY_PARAM_EMPTY_OR_MALFORMED400100A parameter was missing/empty/null, or malformed.
INVALID_PARAM_WRONG_LENGTH400101A parameter was not valid, was empty/null, or too long/short, or wrong format.
INVALID_PARAM_WRONG_VALUE400102A parameter was not valid, the value is out of range.
INVALID_PARAM_ILLEGAL_CHAR400103A parameter was not valid, contains illegal characters
INVALID_REQUEST_TOO_LARGE400104Invalid request, content length too large
INVALID_MERCHANT_TRADE_NO400201merchantTradeNo is invalid or duplicated
ORDER_NOT_FOUND400202Order not found.
INVALID_ACCOUNT_STATUS400203Not support for this account, please check account status.