
Query Balance Report

Query Balance Report API used to query the downloaded report status and get the file path of the report.


POST /binancepay/openapi/balance-report/query

Request Parameters

downloadIdstringY-the data retuned at download balance report API

Sample Request Body

"downloadId": "1232213"

Response Parameters

existbooleanY-exist or not
downloadUrlstringN-the doanload url

Child Attribute

Sample Response

"exist": true,
"downloadUrl": "",
"status": "PROCESSING"

Result Code

UNKNOWN_ERROR400000An unknown error occurred while processing the request.Try again later
INVALID_REQUEST400001Parameter format is wrong or parameter transferring doesn't follow the rules.Please check whether the parameters are correct.
INVALID_SIGNATURE400002Incorrect signature resultCheck whether the signature parameter and method comply with signature algorithm requirements.
INVALID_TIMESTAMP400003Timestamp for this request is outside of the time window.Sync server clock
INVALID_API_KEY_OR_IP400004API identity key not found or invalid.Check API identity key
BAD_API_KEY_FMT400005API identity key format invalid.Check API identity key.
MANDATORY_PARAM_EMPTY_OR_MALFORMED400100A parameter was missing/empty/null, or malformed.
INVALID_PARAM_WRONG_LENGTH400101A parameter was not valid, was empty/null, or too long/short, or wrong format.
INVALID_PARAM_WRONG_VALUE400102A parameter was not valid, the value is out of range.
INVALID_PARAM_ILLEGAL_CHAR400103A parameter was not valid, contains illegal characters
INVALID_REQUEST_TOO_LARGE400104Invalid request, content length too large
INVALID_MERCHANT_TRADE_NO400201merchantTradeNo is invalid or duplicated
ORDER_NOT_FOUND400202Order not found.
INVALID_ACCOUNT_STATUS400203Not support for this account, please check account status.