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Withdraw History (for local entities that require travel rule) (supporting network) (USER_DATA)

API Description

Fetch withdraw history for local entities that required travel rule.

HTTP Request

GET /sapi/v1/localentity/withdraw/history

Request Weight(IP)

18000 Request limit: 10 requests per second

  • This endpoint specifically uses per second IP rate limit, user's total second level IP rate limit is 180000/second. Response from the endpoint contains header key X-SAPI-USED-IP-WEIGHT-1S, which defines weight used by the current IP.

Request Parameters

trIdSTRINGNOComma(,) separated list of travel rule record Ids.
txIdSTRINGNOComma(,) separated list of transaction Ids.
offsetINTNODefault: 0
limitINTNODefault: 1000, Max: 1000
startTimeLONGNODefault: 90 days from current timestamp
endTimeLONGNODefault: present timestamp
  • network may not be in the response for old withdraw.
  • Please notice the default startTime and endTime to make sure that time interval is within 0-90 days.
  • If both startTime and endTimeare sent, time between startTimeand endTimemust be less than 90 days.

Response Example

"id": "b6ae22b3aa844210a7041aee7589627c", // Withdrawal id in Binance
"trId": 1234456, // Travel rule record id
"amount": "8.91000000", // withdrawal amount
"transactionFee": "0.004", // only available for sAPI requests
"coin": "USDT",
"withdrawalStatus": 6, // Capital withdrawal status, only available for sAPI requests
"travelRuleStatus": 0, // Travel rule status.
"address": "0x94df8b352de7f46f64b01d3666bf6e936e44ce60",
"addressTag": "1231212",
"txId": "0xb5ef8c13b968a406cc62a93a8bd80f9e9a906ef1b3fcf20a2e48573c17659268" // withdrawal transaction id
"applyTime": "2019-10-12 11:12:02", // UTC time
"network": "ETH",
"transferType": 0 // 1 for internal transfer, 0 for external transfer, only available for sAPI requests
"withdrawOrderId": "WITHDRAWtest123", // will not be returned if there's no withdrawOrderId for this withdraw, only available for sAPI requests
"info": "The address is not valid. Please confirm with the recipient", // reason for withdrawal failure, only available for sAPI requests
"confirmNo":3, // confirm times for withdraw, only available for sAPI requests
"walletType": 1, //1: Funding Wallet 0:Spot Wallet, only available for sAPI requests
"txKey": "", // only available for sAPI requests
"questionnaire": "{'question1':'answer1','question2':'answer2'}", // The answers of the questionnaire
"completeTime": "2023-03-23 16:52:41" // complete UTC time when user's asset is deduct from withdrawing, only if status = 6(success)
"id": "156ec387f49b41df8724fa744fa82719",
"trId": 2231556234,
"amount": "0.00150000",
"transactionFee": "0.004",
"coin": "BTC",
"withdrawalStatus": 6,
"travelRuleStatus": 0,
"address": "1FZdVHtiBqMrWdjPyRPULCUceZPJ2WLCsB",
"txId": "60fd9007ebfddc753455f95fafa808c4302c836e4d1eebc5a132c36c1d8ac354"
"applyTime": "2019-09-24 12:43:45",
"network": "BTC",
"transferType": 0,
"info": "",
"confirmNo": 2,
"walletType": 1,
"txKey": "",
"questionnaire": "{'question1':'answer1','question2':'answer2'}",
"completeTime": "2023-03-23 16:52:41"