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Fetch deposit address list with network(USER_DATA)

API Description

Fetch deposit address list with network.

HTTP Request

GET /sapi/v1/capital/deposit/address/list

Request Weight(IP)


Request Parameters

coinSTRINGYEScoin refers to the parent network address format that the address is using
  • If network is not send, return with default network of the coin.
  • You can get network and isDefault in networkList in the response of Get /sapi/v1/capital/config/getall.

Response Example

"coin": "ETH",
"address": "0xD316E95Fd9E8E237Cb11f8200Babbc5D8D177BA4",
"isDefault": 0
"coin": "ETH",
"address": "0xD316E95Fd9E8E237Cb11f8200Babbc5D8D177BA4",
"isDefault": 0
"coin": "ETH",
"address": "0x00003ada75e7da97ba0db2fcde72131f712455e2",
"isDefault": 1 //'isDefault' is 1 means the address is default, same as shown in the app.