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Get Cloud-Mining payment and refund history (USER_DATA)

API Description

The query of Cloud-Mining payment and refund history

HTTP Request

GET /sapi/v1/asset/ledger-transfer/cloud-mining/queryByPage

Request Weight(UID)


Request Parameters

tranIdLONGNOThe transaction id
clientTranIdSTRINGNOThe unique flag
assetSTRINGNOIf it is blank, we will query all assets
startTimeLONGYESinclusive, unit: ms
endTimeLONGYESexclusive, unit: ms
currentINTEGERNOcurrent page, default 1, the min value is 1
sizeINTEGERNOpage size, default 10, the max value is 100
  • Just return the SUCCESS records of payment and refund.
  • For response, type = 248 means payment, type = 249 means refund, status =S means SUCCESS.

Response Example
