Create a Developer Account on the Merchant Workspace
Merchants can apply for a developer account on the Merchant Workspace after completing the Know Your Business (KYB) process.
Create AK and SK on the Merchant Workspace
Navigate to the Development Page in the Merchant Workspace.
Click the 'Create' button.
Please note, the Secret Key (SK) will only be displayed once. Ensure to record the SK safely, as it will be required for accessing the OpenService API.
Upload RSA Public Key
Navigate to the Settings Page within the Merchant Workspace.
Generating an RSA Key Pair Several tools are available for generating an RSA key pair. The steps below detail how to generate this key pair using OpenSSL.
1. Install OpenSSL.
- For Linux systems, use the following command:
\>> sudo apt-get install openssl
- For Windows systems, download and install OpenSSL from the official website.
2. Generate RSA Key Pair.
- For Linux systems, use the following commands:
\>> $ openssl
OpenSSL> genrsa -out rsa\_private\_key.pem 2048 ##generate private key
OpenSSL> rsa -in rsa\_private\_key.pem -pubout -out rsa\_public\_key.pem
Upload the RSA Public Key