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Account Funding Flow (USER_DATA)

API Description

Query account funding flows.

HTTP Request

GET /eapi/v1/bill

Request Weight


Request Parameters

currencySTRINGYESAsset type, only support USDT as of now
recordIdLONGNOReturn the recordId and subsequent data, the latest data is returned by default, e.g 100000
startTimeLONGNOStart Time, e.g 1593511200000
endTimeLONGNOEnd Time, e.g 1593512200000
limitINTNONumber of result sets returned Default:100 Max:1000

Response Example

"id": 1125899906842624000,
"asset": "USDT", // Asset type
"amount": "-0.552", // Amount (positive numbers represent inflow, negative numbers represent outflow)
"type": "FEE", // type (fees)
"createDate": 1592449456000, // Time
"id": 1125899906842624000,
"asset": "USDT", // Asset type
"amount": "100", // Amount (positive numbers represent inflow, negative numbers represent outflow)
"type": "CONTRACT", // type (buy/sell contracts)
"createDate": 1592449456000, // Time
"id": 1125899906842624000,
"asset": "USDT", // Asset type
"amount": "10000", // Amount (positive numbers represent inflow, negative numbers represent outflow)
"type": "TRANSFER", // type(Funds transfer)
"createDate": 1592448410000, // Time