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Notional Bracket for Pair(USER_DATA)

API Description

Not recommended to continue using this v1 endpoint

Get the pair's default notional bracket list, may return ambiguous values when there have been multiple different symbol brackets under the pair, suggest using the following GET /dapi/v2/leverageBracket query instead to get the specific symbol notional bracket list.

HTTP Request

GET /dapi/v1/leverageBracket

Request Weight


Request Parameters


Response Example

"pair": "BTCUSD",
"brackets": [
"bracket": 1, // bracket level
"initialLeverage": 125, // the maximum leverage
"qtyCap": 50, // upper edge of base asset quantity
"qtylFloor": 0, // lower edge of base asset quantity
"maintMarginRatio": 0.004 // maintenance margin rate
"cum": 0.0 // Auxiliary number for quick calculation