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Quick Start

API Key Setup

  • Some endpoints will require an API Key. Please refer to this page regarding API key creation.
  • Once API key is created, it is recommended to set IP restrictions on the key for security reasons.
  • Never share your API key/secret key to ANYONE.

API Key Restrictions

  • After creating the API key, the default restrictions is Enable Reading.
  • To enable withdrawals via the API, the API key restriction needs to be modified through the Binance UI.

Enabling Accounts

Spot Account

A SPOT account is provided by default upon creation of a Binance Account.

Margin Account

To enable a MARGIN account for Margin Trading, please refer to the Margin Trading Guide

API Library

Python connector

This is a lightweight library that works as a connector to Binance public API, written in Python.

Node.js connector

This is a lightweight library that works as a connector to Binance public API, written for Node.js users.

Ruby connector

This is a lightweight library that works as a connector to Binance public API, written for Ruby users.

DotNET connector

This is a lightweight library that works as a connector to Binance public API, written for C# users.

Java connector

This is a lightweight library that works as a connector to Binance public API, written for Java users.

Postman Collections

There is now a Postman collection containing the API endpoints for quick and easy use.

This is recommended for new users who want to get a quick-start into using the API.

For more information please refer to this page: Binance API Postman


A YAML file with OpenAPI specification on the RESTful API is available to be used, as well as a Swagger UI page for the consulting.