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Cosmos Provider

Cosmos Provider API

Provider Detection

// binancew3w.keplr
if (window.binancew3w.keplr) {
console.log('Cosmos Provider is detected!');

Connecting to Cosmos

If Binance Web3 Wallet is locked, you can unlock the wallet by using window.binancew3w.keplr.enable(chainIds). You'll be required to grant the webpage permission to access Keplr if such permission wasn't previously granted.

The enable method can receive one or more chain IDs as an array. When passing the chain ID array, you can simultaneously request the permissions of all chains that haven't been authorized. If you cancel the unlocking or are denied permission, an error will show.

const chainId = "cosmoshub-4";
// Enabling before using the Keplr is recommended.
// This method will ask the user whether to allow access if they haven't visited this website.
// Also, it will request that the user unlock the wallet if the wallet is locked.
await window.binancew3w.keplr.enable(chainId);



This request will sign any information, which is equivalent to the signMessage (any) of the previous chains.

Connect the current account.


  • chainId - string
  • signerAddress - string
  • data - string


Promise returns object :

  • signature - string
  • signDoc - object


const res = await window.binancew3w.keplr.signArbitrary({
'test cosmos'


This request signs in a fixed format, similar to the signAmino method of OfflineSigner of cosmjs. Parameters are objects, and signDoc is a fixed format.


  • chainId - string
  • signerAddress - string
  • signDoc - object


Promise returns object :

  • signature - string
  • signed - boolean


const res =  const res = await window.binancew3w.keplr.signAmino(
account_number: "707744",
chain_id: "osmosis-1",
fee: {
gas: "500000",
amount: [
denom: "uosmo",
amount: "12500"
memo: "",
msgs: [
type: "osmosis/gamm/swap-exact-amount-in",
value: {
routes: [
pool_id: "795",
token_out_denom: "uosmo"
pool_id: "1",
sender: "osmo1sxqwesgp7253fdv985csvz95fwc0q53ulldggl",
token_in: {
amount: "10000",
token_out_min_amount: "553"
sequence: "54"