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Using OAuth to Access Binance API

Binance APIs utilize the OAuth 2.0 protocol for authentication and authorization. Binance supports common OAuth 2.0 scenarios such as those for web server, single page (browser based), mobile and native applications. This document will guide you through how your application communicates with Binance's OAuth 2.0 server to secure a user's consent for performing an API request on his behalf.

To begin, your application must identify the necessary permissions, or scopes. Visit the Binance Developer Center, sign up for a Binance entity account, and from there, navigate to your console to create an OAuth application and get your own client ID and client secret. For now, Binance Login (Oauth2.0), is exclusively offered to close ecosystem partners. Please reach to our business team for further information.

Depending on your specific application type, you can select one of the two different authorization flows listed here:

  1. For web applications, please refer to the ‘Authorization Code Flow’ section;
  2. For browser-based applications as well as mobile and native applications, please refer to the ‘PCKE Flow’ section.

1. Authorization Code Flow

Step 1. Redirect users to request Binance access and set authorization parameters.


⚠️ The carriage returns of the above example are only for readability and should be removed in real world, as well as the following examples

When redirecting a user to Binance to authorize access to your application, your first step is to create the authorization request.

response_typeRequired Value code
client_idRequired The client ID of your application.
redirect_urirequired The URL in your web application where users will be redirected after authorization. This value needs to be URL encoded.
stateOptional The CSRF token to protect against CSRF (cross-site request forgery) attacks.
scoperequired List of scopes enum your application requests access to, with comma (,) seperated.

Here is an Example of an authorization URL:


In this step, the user decides whether to grant your application the requested access. At this stage, Binance displays a consent window that shows the name of your application and the Binance API services that it is requesting permission to access with the user's authorization credentials. The user can then consent or refuse to grant access to your application.

Your application doesn't need to do anything at this stage as it waits for Binance's OAuth 2.0 server to redirect back.

Step 3. Binance redirects back to your application

If the user approves your application, Binance's OAuth server will redirect back to your redirect_uri with a temporary authorization code parameter.

If you specified a state parameter in step 1, the parameter will be included as well. If you generate a random string or encode the hash of a cookie or another value that captures the client's state, you can validate the response to additionally ensure that the request and response originated in the same browser, providing protection against attacks such as cross-site request forgery.

Example of the redirection:


state is the same as the one in step 1

Step 4. Exchange authorization code for refresh and access tokens

After your application receives the authorization code, it can exchange the authorization code for an access token, which can be done by make a POST call:

grant_typerequired Value authorization_code
coderequired Step3 return code
client_idrequired The client ID of your application.
client_secretrequired The client secret of your application.
redirect_urirequired The URL in your web application where users will be redirected after authorization. This value needs to be URL encoded.

Example POST call:

curl \
-d 'client_id=je-client&client_secret=je-client-secret&grant_type=authorization_code&code=95OfIm&'

After a successful request, a valid access_token will be returned in the response and it will be invalid if it exceeds the expires_in time in the response, which is in seconds.

Here is an example response:

"access_token": "83f2bf51-a2c4-4c2e-b7c4-46cef6a8dba5",
"refresh_token": "fb5587ee-d9cf-4cb5-a586-4aed72cc9bea",
"scope": "read",
"token_type": "bearer",
"expires_in": 30714

Step 5. Exchange refresh token for access tokens

If your access token is expired, you can use refresh_token to get a new access token, which can be done by make a POST call:

grant_typerequired Value refresh_token
refresh_tokenrequired Step4 refresh token
client_idrequired The client ID of your application.
client_secretrequired The client secret of your application.
Example POST call:
curl \
-d 'client_id=je-client&client_secret=je-client-secret&grant_type=refresh_token&refresh_token=95OfIm

After a successful request, a valid access_token will be returned in the response and it will be invalid if it exceeds the expires_in time in the response, which is in seconds.

Here is an example response:

"access_token": "83f2bf51-a2c4-4c2e-b7c4-46cef6a8dba5",
"refresh_token": "fb5587ee-d9cf-4cb5-a586-4aed72cc9bea",
"scope": "read",
"token_type": "bearer",
"expires_in": 30714

Step 6. Calling Binance APIs

After you have a valid access_token, you can make your first API call:

curl '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}'


"code": "000000",
"message": null,
"data": {
"userId": "e10e20b7f20947e7bd206b15ce3dae90",
"email": "[email protected]"
"success": true

2. PKCE Flow

The PKCE extension prevents an attack where the authorization code is intercepted and exchanged for an access token by a malicious client, by providing the authorization server with a way to verify the same client instance that exchanges the authorization code is the same one that initiated the flow. For more details, refer to

Step 1. Redirect users to request Binance access and set authorization parameters.


⚠️ The carriage returns of the above example are only for readability and should be removed in real world, as well as the following examples

When redirecting a user to Binance to authorize access to your application, your first step is to create the authorization request. You need create and store a new PKCE code_verifier, also will be used in STEP4

Here is an Example of javascript generate code_verifier

// Generate a secure random string using the browser crypto functions
function generateRandomString() {
var array = new Uint32Array(28);
return Array.from(array, (dec) => ("0" + dec.toString(16)).substr(-2)).join(
response_typeRequired Value code
client_idRequired The client ID of your application.
redirect_urirequired The URL in your web application where users will be redirected after authorization. This value needs to be URL encoded.
stateOptional The CSRF token to protect against CSRF (cross-site request forgery) attacks.
scoperequired List of scopes enum your application requests access to, with comma (,) seperated.
code_challengerequired Hash and base64-urlencode of code_verifier

Here is an Example of javascript generate code_challenge

// Calculate the SHA256 hash of the input text.
function sha256(code_verifier) {
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
const data = encoder.encode(code_verifier);
return window.crypto.subtle.digest("SHA-256", data);

// Base64-urlencodes the input string
function base64urlencode(hashed) {
return btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(hashed)))
.replace(/\+/g, "-")
.replace(/\//g, "_")
.replace(/=+$/, "");

// Return the base64-urlencoded sha256 hash for the PKCE challenge
async function generateCodeChallenge(code_verifier) {
hashed = await sha256(code_verifier);
return base64urlencode(hashed);

Here is an Example of an authorization URL:


In this step, the user decides whether to grant your application the requested access. At this stage, Binance displays a consent window that shows the name of your application and the Binance API services that it is requesting permission to access with the user's authorization credentials. The user can then consent or refuse to grant access to your application.

Your application doesn't need to do anything at this stage as it waits for Binance's OAuth 2.0 server to redirect back.

Step 3. Binance redirects back to your application

If the user approves your application, Binance's OAuth server will redirect back to your redirect_uri with a temporary authorization code parameter.

If you specified a state parameter in step 1, the parameter will be included as well. If you generate a random string or encode the hash of a cookie or another value that captures the client's state, you can validate the response to additionally ensure that the request and response originated in the same browser, providing protection against attacks such as cross-site request forgery.

Example of the redirection:


state is the same as the one in step 1

Step 4. Exchange authorization code for refresh and access tokens

After your application receives the authorization code, it can exchange the authorization code for an access token, which can be done by make a POST call:

grant_typerequired Value authorization_code
coderequired Step3 return code
client_idrequired The client ID of your application.
code_verifierrequired The random secret code created and stored in STEP1
redirect_urirequired The URL in your web application where users will be redirected after authorization. This value needs to be URL encoded.

Example POST call:

curl \
-d 'client_id=je-client&code_verifier=65a4ecce1fe857067bec7a6887529531831ebe38e32da95fe0f322a2&grant_type=authorization_code&code=95OfIm&'

After a successful request, a valid access_token will be returned in the response and it will be invalid if it exceeds the expires_in time in the response, which is in seconds.

Here is an example response:

"access_token": "83f2bf51-a2c4-4c2e-b7c4-46cef6a8dba5",
"refresh_token": "fb5587ee-d9cf-4cb5-a586-4aed72cc9bea",
"scope": "read",
"token_type": "bearer",
"expires_in": 30714

Step 5. Exchange refresh token for access tokens

If your access token is expired, you can use refresh_token to get a new access token, which can be done by make a POST call:

grant_typerequired Value refresh_token
refresh_tokenrequired Step4 refresh token
client_idrequired The client ID of your application.
client_secretrequired The client secret of your application.
Example POST call:
curl \
-d 'client_id=je-client&client_secret=je-client-secret&grant_type=refresh_token&refresh_token=95OfIm

After a successful request, a valid access_token will be returned in the response and it will be invalid if it exceeds the expires_in time in the response, which is in seconds.

Here is an example response:

"access_token": "83f2bf51-a2c4-4c2e-b7c4-46cef6a8dba5",
"refresh_token": "fb5587ee-d9cf-4cb5-a586-4aed72cc9bea",
"scope": "read",
"token_type": "bearer",
"expires_in": 30714

Step 6. Calling Binance APIs

After you have a valid access_token, you can make your first API call:

curl '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}'


"code": "000000",
"message": null,
"data": {
"userId": "e10e20b7f20947e7bd206b15ce3dae90",
"email": "[email protected]"
"success": true